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Albert Bomer

Professor of Tax & Technology

Arno R. Lodder

Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation

Ioana Bratu

Co-Director ALTI & Assistant Professor in Space Law

Silvia de Conca

Assistant Professor in Law and Technology

Thibault Schrepel

Research Program Lead & Associate Professor of Economic Law + Technology

Tijmen Wisman

Co-Director ALTI & Assistant Professor Privacy & Data Protection


Andrew Murray

Associate Dean of LSE Law School, Professor of Law

Anne De Hingh

Assistant Professor Internet Law

Arno R. Lodder

Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation

Arnoud Engelfriet

Lecturer Transnational Legal Studies

Babette Aalberts

Research Associate Internet Law

Bethany Houghton

Lecturer Legal Tech

Britta Van Beers

Professor Biolaw & Bioethics

Charlotte Gerritsen

Assistant Professor, Social AI

David Rossati

Assistant Professor in International Law

Dion Kramer

Assistant Professor in EU Law

Galina Cornelisse

Professor EU & International Law

Gareth Davies

Professor of EU Law

Hans Koning

PhD candidate at VU Amsterdam

Ivano Malavolta

Assistant Professor, Software engineering

Joeri Toet

Lecturer & Researcher Cybersecurity

Kat Fras

Research Associate

Kiliaan Van Wees

Assistant Professor Liability Law

Kim Baraka

Assistant Professor, Social AI

Kirill Ryabtsev

Ph.D. student in blockchain antitrust

Koen Hindriks

Full Professor, Social AI

Laura Jacobs

Lecturer Legal Theory & Legal History

Laura Plummer

Assistant Professor Tax Law

Lotte Anemaet

Lecturer in Intellectual Property

Marc Makkes

Assistant Professor in High Performance Distributed Computing

Mark Egeler

Lecturer Transnational Legal Studies

Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg

Assistant Professor in Criminology

Maša Galic

Assistant Professor Criminal Law

Patricia Lago

Full Professor, Software Engineering

Renushka Madarie

Ph.D. student in Criminology

Roderick Lucas

Assistant Professor Tax Law

Sarah Eskens

Assistant Professor in Law & Technology

Tijmen Wisman

Co-Director ALTI & Assistant Professor Privacy & Data Protection

Tina van der Linden

Associate Professor Law, Ethics and Technology

Wessel Damen

Ph.D. Candidate

Zachary Cooper

External PhD Candidate Of Emergent Technologies & the Law

Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute
VU Faculty of Law
De Boelelaan 1077, 1081 HV Amsterdam