[event] Substance Over Slogans: Strengthening The Foundations of Antitrust
ParisREGISTER HERE ABOUT: Our aim for this conference is to look past the headlines and politicized arguments that have defined the last several years of competition-policy discourse to examine the current academic foundations of antitrust and what they say about contemporary competition policy. The competition-policy…
[event] Sofia Ranchordás: The New Regulatory State
VU Amsterdam AmsterdamSpeaker: Sofia Ranchordás is a Full Professor of Administrative Law at Tilburg Law School. Description: In this talk, Sofia Ranchordas will present her new book with Karen Yeung 'Introduction to Law and Regulation' (CUP 2024) by discussing how regulation has evolved in terms of goals…
[event] Bill Kovacic: Cautionary Tales about (Digital) Industrial Policy
VU Amsterdam Amsterdam* Bill Kovacic is the Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy at the George Washington University where he directs the Competition Law Center. He is the former Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. Format: Prof. Kovacic will give a 30-minute talk, which will be…
[CANCELED] Nicolas Petit: The Deep Structures of Law and Tech
VU Amsterdam Amsterdam* Nicolas Petit is Professor of Competition Law and Head of the Department of Law of the European University Institute (EUI). Format: Professor Petit will give a 30-minute talk, which will be followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Thibault Schrepel. Loading…
[event] Pinar Akman: Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech
VU Amsterdam AmsterdamSpeaker: Pinar Akman is a Professor of Law specializing in competition law at the School of Law, University of Leeds. Format: Prof. Akman will give a 30-minute talk, which will be followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Thibault Schrepel. Loading…
[event] Competition Law Doctoral Forum
Concept: We are delighted to announce the first edition of the “Competition Law Doctoral Forum.” The concept is simple yet ambitious: to establish an annual gathering of promising PhD candidates in the Netherlands focusing on (digital) competition law issues. Participants will have the opportunity to…
[event] Godefroy de Boiscuillé: The EU Digital Single Market Paradox
VU Amsterdam AmsterdamSpeaker: Godefroy de Boiscuillé is Maître de Conférences at Côte d'Azur University and Co-Director of the Chair Competition & Digital Economics at Panthéon-Assas University Paris II. Description: The goal of creating a unified digital economy is being undermined by the steady rise in trade…