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Online event: Competition & Innovation


Online event: Competition & Innovation (Nov. 29) The Dynamic Competition Initiative, supported by ALTI, is pleased to invite you to a free online event entitled “Innovation & Competition”. DCI scholars will present their latest research on the interplay between competition and innovation, including a systematic…

Chief Economist Roundtable


Chief Economist Roundtable (Dec. 5) ALTi is a proud co-sponsor of this new DCI event featuring four former European Commission’s Chief Economists. The event will be live-streamed.

Conference: Dynamics of Generative AI

Berlin, Germany Berlin

Conference: Dynamics of Generative AI The Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute is co-organizing a conference on the “Dynamics of Generative AI” together with the Weizenbaum Institute (Berlin, Germany). The event follows the publication of dedicated articles – edited by Thibault Schrepel (ALTI) and Volker Stocker…

Diane Coyle: Welfare Assessment in a Digital Economy

VU Amsterdam Amsterdam

  * Professor Dame Diane Coyle is the Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. She co-directs the Bennett Institute where she heads research under the themes of progress and productivity. Description: Are we seeing the end of technocracy in antitrust? Competition…

Paul Seabright: A Response to the Draghi Report on EU competitiveness

VU Amsterdam Amsterdam

  Speaker: Paul Seabright is a Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics. Format: Professor Seabright will give a 30-minute talk, which will be followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Thibault Schrepel. Description: Where, geographically, do the benefits of innovative activity accrue?…

Volker Stocker: Policy Challenges of AI-driven Ecosystems

VU Amsterdam Amsterdam

  * Volker Stocker is the Head of the Research Group “Work and Cooperation in the Sharing Economy” at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (German Internet Institute). Format: Dr. Stocker will give a 30-minute talk, which will be followed by a discussion moderated by…

[event] Substance Over Slogans: Strengthening The Foundations of Antitrust


REGISTER HERE (free) ABOUT: Our aim for this conference is to look past the headlines and politicized arguments that have defined the last several years of competition-policy discourse to examine the current academic foundations of antitrust and what they say about contemporary competition policy. The…

[event] Sofia Ranchordás: The New Regulatory State

VU Amsterdam Amsterdam

Speaker: Sofia Ranchordás is a Full Professor of Administrative Law at Tilburg Law School. Description: In this talk, Sofia Ranchordas will present her new book with Karen Yeung 'Introduction to Law and Regulation' (CUP 2024) by discussing how regulation has evolved in terms of goals…

Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute
VU Faculty of Law
De Boelelaan 1077, 1081 HV Amsterdam