Andrew Murray
Associate Dean of LSE Law School, Professor of Law
Brief info
Andrew is a recognised global expert in information technology law and regulation. Andrew’s principal research interests are in regulatory design within Cyberspace, particularly the role of non-State actors, the protection and promotion of Human Rights within the digital environment and the promotion of proprietary interests in the digital sphere, encompassing both intellectual property rights and traditional property models. He has written the leading textbook Information Technology Law: The Law and Society (currently in its fourth edition), and is known for his books The Regulation of Cyberspace: Control in the Online Environment (2006) and Rethinking the Jurisprudence of Cyberspace (with Professor Chris Reed (2018)) and recently he has edited the second edition of the text EU Regulation of e-Commerce: A Commentary (2022) with Professor Arno Lodder. Andrew gave the prestigious 2020 TMC Asser Lecture which was published as Almost Human: Law and Human Agency in the Time of Artificial Intelligence (2021). He has published over 50 academic papers including Regulating AI and Machine Learning: Setting the Regulatory Agenda, co-written with Professor Julia Black PBA. Andrew is Professor of Law and Director of the LSE Law, Technology and Society group where he also leads the AI, Ethics and Governance sub-group.
Fun Fact: Andrew’s textbook Information Technology Law: The Law and Society was the first OUP law textbook to be turned into an audiobook.