Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg
Assistant Professor in Criminology
Brief info
Dr. Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg is assistant professor in Criminology at the School of Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. In 2018 she completed her dissertation research entitled: ‘Cyber offenders versus traditional offenders: an empirical comparison’ at the NSCR (Netherlands Institute for the study of Crime and Law Enforcement). Her current research focuses mainly on three themes within cybercriminology: 1. Differences with traditional crime, 2. The role of online and offline peers, and 3. Ethical hacking and positive use of IT skills. For this third research line she recently received a prestigious personal VENI grant from NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) for a 5-year research project entitled ‘Choosing the good side: life-course, cultural, and situational factors that lead to non-criminal hacking.’